Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Last Sunday in our group activity we broke out into 3 teams: Celebrate, Contribute, and Connect. Each team developed ideas around what it meant to have that strength and what was relevant to them in developing that strength. Below I have listed the participants and what those ideas were.

I encourage you to review the list and see how you can apply any of the ideas to help you with your struggles. The participants are there as a resource and support to help you apply these in your life.

Participants: Bethany, Maggie
What qualities do you think it takes to have these strengths?
+ Outgoing personality
+ Think about others and their needs (i.e. sending a card, phone call, and listening) praying for our growth
Suggestion: Gradually add others needs and growth goals to regular prayer time. warmly welcoming those who visit
Suggestion: Make a point / goal to meet one person at church you haven’t met. regularly sharing life in a small group
Suggestion: Make group time a priority, natural openness and social ability. accepting responsibility to care for others in Threads
Suggestion: Make a goal to address one persons needs each week (prayer / contact) or sign up for a ministry position within Threads

Participants: Zach, Brandon, John, Andy, Aubrey, Kristen, Colin
What qualities do you think it takes to have these strengths?
+ Personality
+ Passion
+ Faithfullness
+ Trust
+ Compassion
+ Intent
+ Results inviting the unchurched to attend using my gifts & talents in a ministry role being equipped to serve by my leaders giving regularly with my finances
+ Prayer
+ Listening and acting
+ Knowing your limits and knowing what God is asking you to do within those limits
+ Be prepared and comfortable with possible rejection
+ Placing yourself in areas / situations where opportunities arise to invite / talk to the "unchurched"
+ Building relationships with "unchurched" people
+ Stepping out of comfort zones

Participants: Pat, Lisa, Donna, Mark, Michelle
What qualities do you think it takes to have these strengths?
+ Determined
+ Focused
+ Motivated going public in the act of Baptism
+ Praying / Listening to what God wants you to do and putting that above the fear of what others may think.
+ Realizing it is a symbol of commitment that you are a Christ follower and that you are honoring your baptism as an infant personally taking time to pray and read the Bible
+ Making a consistent time to read the Bible
+ Inquiring different stories of the Bible you have heard and not getting overwhelmed with reading it from start to finish.
+ Finding peace with reading the Bible, start with Psalms.
+ Be aware of your time (i.e reading the Bible instead of watching TV)
+ Reading the Bible to your kids and having quiet time for God
+ Getting more out of the Bible
+ Relate with Bible stories in conversation (don’t force it)
+ The more you know, the more confident you are about your spiritual journey, and sharing it with others.
+ Feel prepared when topics come up about books you read in the Bible in and out of church. gathering regularly for worship with my Church
+ Make a commitment
+ Look forward to how you can connect with others / witness.

This week's entry was written by the members of our Community Group and compiled by Mark Campbell.

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